How to Calculate the Percentage Gain or Loss on an Investment ?

How to Calculate the Percentage Gain or Loss on an Investment ?


To calculate the percentage gain or loss on an investment, you can use the following formula:

(Current value – Original value) / Original value * 100

This will give you the percentage gain or loss based on the original value of the investment. For example, if you invested ₹100 and the current value is ₹110, the formula would be:

(110 – 100) / 100 * 100 = 10% gain

If the current value is 90, the formula would be:

(90 – 100) / 100 * 100 = -10% loss

Keep in mind that this formula only works if you’re calculating the percentage gain or loss on a single investment. If you have a portfolio of multiple investments, you’ll need to calculate the overall gain or loss by taking the total value of all your investments into account.

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  1. Ylhghzikjf

    How To Calculate The Percentage Gain Or Loss On An Investment ? - Invest Expert | Making The Sense Of Investing Ylhghzikjf Http:// [url=]uylhghzikjf[/url] <a Href="">aylhghzikjf</a>

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