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The “covered call option trading strategy” is a strategy used as a rental income, where a profit of 2 to 3% can be earned on every month. This strategy is used by people who buy a stock with a large amount and sell call options on that stock to trade the position safely. If the stock does not increase, then money is earned by selling its call option. If Stock is a buy or Nifty, Bank Nifty bees (ETF), Even if you have bought a fund (NIFTY or BANKNIFTY ETF FUND), but there is a decline in the market, you can still earn profits by using this strategy. Option trading strategy is called Covered call option trading strategy.  

Let us understand in simple language.  

For example, you have bought Reliance shares whose quantity is large, say 500 shares, due to which our risk will also be high. To protect against this risk, if there is a decline in the market or there is no increase in the shares of Reliance, then profit can be made by short-selling the call option of Reliance itself. For this, first of all there should be future and option in the stock, after that purchase in that stock at least that much. The quantity should be equal to the amount of options within one lot. So here the lot size in the future and the option of Reliance is 500 and if we have bought 500 shares, then we can sell 1 lot in the call option at the money. If Reliance does not go up from here or falls slightly, then the price of the “at the money” call option will go to zero at expiry and we will get profit from there.  

For this, you have to remember some things.   
1.The stock we are buying should have future and option.   
2. The stock is not rising or is in decline or there is not much movement.   
3. To maintain profit even if the stock rises, selling should be done through "at the money" option or “out of the money” option or “at the money” call option.   
4. The purchase of shares should be more than or equal to the lot size of the future and option  


As of today's date, 30th January 2025 (for your information only)   
Reliance share price ₹1260   
Total share purchased 500   
Total investment= 1260×500= ₹630000   
If there is a decline in the market or there is no increase in the shares of Reliance, then I will sell “at the money” call option for the month of next January month Expiry Call option in the same lot size.  

I will sell RELIANCE 1260Call option, the price of which is ₹ 40, the lot size of Reliance is 500 shares, so here the sale will be done in 1 lot.  


Situation-1 If the market does not go up and the Reliance stock is trading below ₹1260, then the price of the first “at the money” call option will go down significantly before expiry. If it trades below ₹1260 even till expiry, then we will make a profit of ₹20000 with 1 lot.  

Situation-2 If there is a slight upside in the market and Reliance stock goes above 1260, then there will be a slight loss in the call option. But we have bought Reliance shares, so from there we will get profit and will continue to cover our losses. Even if Reliance shares close at Rs 1290 before expiry, we will still get profit.   

 Let's see understand.  

 Reliance share quantity 500  

 Reliance share purchase price 1260 @500 Quantity   
Reliance's share price increased 1320 from 1260   
Total profit from share=1320-1260=60×500= ₹30000  

The selling price of Reliance 1260 call option Price 40 with 1 lot   
Reliance increased price 1320   
Residual Call Option Premium 1320-1260-Option premium 40= 20 with 1Lot   
Total profit=60-20=40 with 1 lot =40×500= ₹20000 profit  

So, in this way, if the share price of Reliance goes up even a little and closes, before the expiry, we will buy only the shares of Reliance. ₹20000 Earn profit as well as premium by selling at the money call option by taking advantage of (time decay) will earn a profit of ₹20000.  

How much capital will be required to build it?  

To create a Covered call option trading strategy, you will first have to purchase a stock equal to the lot size of the future and option of that stock. In which at least 6 to 8 lakhs will be required and to sell one lot option, 1 to 2 lakhs will be required. The price of all stocks is different, due to which their lot size will also be different, due to which it is not possible to tell the fixed capital.  


Admin ''

She was a treacle-well.'.

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